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Network Marketing Tip – 3 Strategies for Rapid Growth

Every person needs a good network marketing tip to begin a network marketing career that will lead into a life time of building positive relationships and reaching your financial goals. To be successful in this industry you need a solid network marketing tip that will build new prospects fast.

In all of the Network Marketing companies out there, they have basically the same set up. They all will give you some type of website or lead capture system to grow and build your new business with. This is the wrong approach to take. Sooner or later the competition will eat you up, and additionally your not branding yourself online as a leader.

Network Marketing is about duplication, and building new leaders within your organization is the key to success. A good Network Marketing Tip is to build your very own Marketing and training system for your Team, and here are some good ideas in getting started with a marketing plan.

Tip #1 Content Pages

Content is king on the Internet. Build content pages around High Profile people, Anthony Robbins, Robert Allen and so on. Target people that are on infomercials and Radio shows, one that comes to mind is Dave Ramsey, he has a Radio show on Debt Reduction. To build content pages, use Squidoo Lens, Hub pages, or Google Knols, or have a webmaster build a Business Review Content Website. In your content pages, don’t use any type of subscription blocks, this will distract the reader, thinking that your selling something, use links that recommend a business opportunity. For example “After reviewing Hundreds of Business opportunities, only one worked for the average person” But make your own conclusions.

Tip #2 Capture pages

Have your links from your content pages lead into a converting capture page’s. I my opinion Video Capture page’s work the best, because they know your a real person and more likely to get a solid lead. If video’s aren’t your game, hire a copy writer to build you a effective capture page, and if all possible make several, at least 3 to start out, and build a different list around each capture page, so you know which one converts the best.

Tip #3 Traffic

Traffic is the life blood of your business, and in my opinion I would stay away from free traffic methods. These people that are on free traffic sites join for free, and don’t have money to invest in a real business. We see good results from Pay per Click, and using content sites, the cost is so low, pennies per day, and the competition for content sites is maybe at 2%. Also Facebook Market place is good for content sites, and you can get some cheap traffic as well.